10 reasons to cheat your man tonight


If I could cheat I would…

Certainly pick ONE of these men. We all have those men that we wish we could… The ones we … and sometimes we even want our men to magically resemble them. These are the men that for one reason or another make something flutter within us, that make us tingle in all the right places, and wrong ones too. Should Nims meet anyone of these “10” hunks; she would expect her man to send her off with an overnight bag. AND complete Carte Blanche to “cheat” (even if for ONE night) These are MY Top Ten: please share yours with me…

Number 10
Michael Ealy

Those blue/gray eyes.. My husband/boyfriend/partner should understand the calling behind such a sumptuous man. He should not feel jealous that I want to gaze and get lost in those eyes for hours on end. The gangster look (Brown sugar), the man, the lawyer (was it Boston legal or Ally Mcbeal?) anyways, any look goes with this one.