VISIBILITY Black Renaissance : AFRIKADAA magazine 3rd issue

afrikadaa magazine

For all Afro Design & Contemporary ART Lovers, Afrikadaa Magazine, is online for the third time! Available since October this third opus focus on visibility .

Created to expand the scope of the contemporary art scene by shedding light on non western-centric works, AFRIKADAA Magazine explore several features like the South African photographer and visual activist Zanele Muholi or the reading by Pr. Frieda Ekotto of Ralph Ellison’s book, “The INVISIBLE MAN”.

afrikadaa magazine

You will also find in ART TALK:
– “Scraps from trajectories”: an essay on the condition of Caribbean art by Sylvie Arnaud.
– “China and Africa : What about culture?” : a second essay by Frieda Ekotto on China-Africa relations in the area of cultural exchange.
– “Women reflections and scraps of memories” by Kemi Bassene, will cover the topic of the condition of Black women as covered by Black female artists and writers.

You could read the magazine in the post below or read our interview with publishing director of Afrikadaa Carole Diop here

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